Our Vision

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Vision/Purpose Statement

Vision/Purpose Statement

An Exemplary Church

Hope Bible Church from its inception has endeavored to be one local body of believers who emulate what Scripture teaches about being genuine followers of Jesus Christ. Corporately, as called, justified, born-again and baptized believers, drenched in God’s grace, we strive to set a true, biblical example of a godly church by establishing and maintaining a high view of God, a high view of Scripture, a high view of our Christian calling, and a high view of God’s grace shown in Christ. We purposefully rely on the New Covenant presence of the Holy Spirit to create in us a dynamic worshipping, serving, loving, sacrificing, giving, fellowshipping, evangelizing, and accountable community in which the presence of Christ is manifest through us to this dark and dying world.

An Expositional Church

We endeavor to be a congregation committed to listen to God speaking through the passionate, weekly exposition of God’s unfailing Word. Expositional preaching from a called and qualified expositor is the finest way to explain and discern the wondrous truths of the Word of God. This vital biblical unfolding of the full counsel of God’s Word is the engine the Holy Spirit uses to transform our hearts, renew our minds, and direct and motivate all we do for the kingdom of Christ. Corporately receiving the exposition of God’s Word and responding to it by faith fosters a unified and maturing community tuned to God’s will in the pages of Scripture.

An Exalting Church

We endeavor, as a saved and sanctified community, to lift up and glorify our most awesome God through heartfelt corporate worship in which we enjoy the presence of God and aim to please Him. We express this worship of Almighty God in both spirit and truth through spiritual music, intercessory prayers, loving adoration, genuine thanksgivings, communion at the Lord’s Supper, and love-inspired offerings as we lay aside our own desires and present our whole selves to God. We leave our times of praise and worship with a renewed desire to obey God’s commands as an ongoing act of worship and service to His holy name.

An Equipping Church

We endeavor to instruct, disciple, and train all our members and families to live obediently for Christ and to stir up their spiritual gifts in dedicated service to their Master. Only as every member of the body of Christ is trained and active in loving service does the body function in a healthy, dynamic manner causing the growth of the body into maturity. Spiritual equipping is accomplished by biblically qualified, divinely called, and congregationally affirmed men who instruct the congregation through expository preaching, doctrinal teaching, biblical counseling, personal discipleship, and leadership development.

An Extending Church

We endeavor to be a church that has a significant and growing impact on our region and beyond by witnessing the gospel of Jesus, exporting biblical doctrine, planting new churches, and impacting other churches with a biblical philosophy of ministry. As servants of the Kingdom of God, our concern reaches beyond our local church to the health and maturity of the surrounding churches and the worldwide church. In cooperation with other likeminded churches and organizations, we are committed to strengthening the greater body of Christ in the global evangelistic mission that Jesus gave His church.

An Expectant Church

We endeavor to maintain a healthy anticipation that God will continue to work through our church as we take further steps of faith, pray earnestly, rely on the Holy Spirit, and keep our hope fixed on Jesus’ soon appearance in the sky. From our inception, we have been a faith venture, and we believe the entire Christian mission advances only by faith in which God chooses to accomplish the impossible through ordinary believers with His extraordinary strength. We choose not to place limits on what God can do through His chosen vessels but to venture forward by a well-informed faith in a fully capable and amazing God!

An Excellent Church

We endeavor, as recipients of the unmerited grace of God, to keep improving the quality of our ministries, communications, relationships, teachings, leadership, programs, and business affairs until all we do is done with the kind of excellence worthy of our magnificent Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Quality worship and service is the right response to a God who has delivered us from wrath and given us an eternal inheritance in Christ. We reject an apathetic or mundane approach to serving the King of Kings, but strive to offer our best to the Lord Most High who is worthy of our very best.