Parenting Toddlers to Teens
Using Biblical Principles

My husband and I took Pastor Plumley’s Parenting Toddlers to Teens class the first time when our two older children were between the ages of 7-10, and again when we had one more child several years later.  What we learned set a strong course for us to follow as parents as we sought to train them biblically.  We learned things from the Bible that we had not been aware of before, and learned how to practically apply those teachings to how we parented.

Our two oldest girls are now in their early twenties, and thriving, following the Lord.  We are so thankful for the guidance we were given early on to help our children develop in the areas of obedience to authority, discipline, being able to focus and learn, and godly character.  We cannot save our children; only God can. But as parents, we are responsible to lead them in God’s truth so that there is fertile ground for the gospel to take root. I am so thankful for the way the Lord has equipped Pastor Plumley to help train parents and to encourage them as they train their young.  I would recommend this class to any Christian parents who are able to take part.

Margo Guillory, Hope Bible Church

18 Lessons


  • What Are Your Goals?
  • Establishing a Biblical Mindset for Parenting
  • Marriage: The Foundation of the Family
  • A Biblical Job Description for the Effective Dad
  • Motherhood: The Exalted Career
  • The Heart of the Matter (Biblical Morality)
  • The Role of Conscience in Human Behavior
  • Authority, Boundaries, and Your Changing Role
  • Obedience
  • The Biblical Philosophy of Discipline and Instruction


Moral Instruction (Teaching, Reproving, Correcting)
  • Instilling Respect
  • Teaching in Times of Non-Conflict
  • Encouragement and Warnings
  • Moral Reproof and Correction
Moral Discipline (Training in Righteousness)
  • Applying Biblical Chastisement
  • Appealing to Your Child’s Conscience / Probing the Heart
  • Restoration
  • Evangelizing Your Child


Helpful for all couples who are preparing for or are in the middle of training their children.  Best if both the husband and wife take the class together.  Fine for singles, and single parents, as well.  Many couples take it several times—as their children develop through new stages of maturity.


Register for the class online to get access to the materials.

Each week:

  • Listen to the audio recording of the lesson, following along in the notes.
  • Discuss and answer as a couple the Understanding It questions at the end of the lesson.
  • Come to the class time (on Zoom) prepared to discuss the homework and any questions you have about the lesson. (If you are taking this class on your own, discuss the material with a pastor or experienced Christian parent to ensure you internalize the principles. Be sure to complete the lessons in order.)
  • Begin doing the applications at the end of the lesson.

Email Link: [email protected]

About Pastor and Mrs. Plumley

These classes are based on over 30 years of studying, applying, and teaching biblical principles of parenting to hundreds of people in several churches. Pastor Alan and Carol have four adult children who reinforced for them first-hand the wisdom of God’s design for the family. These two courses embody both what they were privileged to learn that helped them to avoid common pitfalls, and also important lessons that they wish they had learned beforehand.

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