Sunday Mornings – 9:30-10:40 AM

Equipping classes provide a variety of quality Christian instruction and discipleship from trained Bible teachers to Hope Bible Church members and visitors on Sundays with the aim of maturing their faith, obedience, and love toward Jesus Christ.

Classes This


We are continuing our Equipping classes with 4 courses available.  All classes are open to both members and visitors alike. Learn more about how you can grow in your faith by selecting from the list of classes below.

Forerunners of the Faith

Church history begins and ends with Jesus Christ. From start to finish, the church age is bookended by His first and second comings. Forerunners of the Faith provides an engaging introduction to church history. The class is not primarily about history but about the church, the bride of Christ, the most precious institution on earth. Armed with a biblical lens, Forerunners of the Faith looks beyond the events and figures of the past and places the focus on the Lord Jesus. It’s about what God has been doing in the world for the last two thousand years. The journey will start at the Apostolic Age, continue through the Patristics Period and the Middle Ages, and conclude with the Reformation and Modern Period.

Teacher: Pastor Christopher Greene

Room: Hus

Leviticus, Part 2

When reading the Bible in a year, most readers start off with enthusiasm in Genesis and Exodus and begin to slow down when they hit the law in Exodus until they almost come to a screeching halt in Leviticus. Many would ask what can truly be gained by studying the minute details of the rituals in Leviticus. What was God’s intention for these detailed rituals? Leviticus and the law are the basis for God’s plan of salvation for the nations and are the basis for the gospel of Christ. In it, the holiness of God, the grace of God, the worship of God, the fellowship with God, the work of Christ in His sacrifice and redemption, and more are illustrated. This study will not be a verse-by-verse exposition of the book. Rather, we will seek to discern the themes, theology, and types revealed in God’s word and discover a richness in this book that is often missed. In each of the chapters, we will seek to discern the relevance for today’s believers in order to apply these principles to our lives. This study will be for two quarters (26 weeks).

Teacher: Mr. Kerry Kane

Room: Knox

The Life of Christ, Part 2

A wise teacher once gave this advice to those desiring to grow in Christ: “Master the Master.” It’s true that the more we understand the life of Christ—not just what He said and did, but perhaps more importantly, His character, His thinking, and His heart—the more we’ll worship Him and desire to be truly like Him. In this class, we’ll take 12 months to go verse by verse through a harmony of all four of the gospels in chronological order with a particular emphasis on application. The extensive notes will be helpful for your study and reference.

Teachers: Pastor Plumley and Mr. Jeff Fein

Room: Whitefield

Hebrews, The Preeminence of Jesus Christ, Part 2

The Book of Hebrews is perhaps the best commentary written on the Old Testament covenant, priesthood, and sacrifices. It brings the richness of the Old Testament background into the world of the New Testament church. This class will unpack the mystery and meaning of God’s promise concerning Jesus Christ. If you have ever wanted to understand the book of Hebrews and learn how to apply it to your Christian life, this class is for you. Join us as we learn how Jesus Christ is preeminent over all.

Teacher: Pastor Rob Thomson

Room: Wycliffe


HopeAbility is a ministry that aims to reach the hearts of people with special needs and their families with the hope of the gospel through worship, discipleship, and evangelism. Its goal is to compassionately include all persons with differing abilities as necessary and contributing members of the Church body as we worship and minister together to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Teacher: Mr. Larry Irvine

Room: Luther

Growing Disciples


Growing Disciples classes are recorded and available for you to review, share, or listen to for the very first time.

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Outside of our Growing Disciples classes, Hope Bible Church offers a variety of classes for the edification of the body.

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