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ACBC Annual Conferences
- A Biblical Critique of EMDR Therapy (Rhenn Cherry)
- A Biblical Evaluation of Emotionally Focused Therapy (Marshall Adkins)
- A Biblical Response to Emotion Coaching (Aaron Brewster)
- A C.A.R.E. Model for Counseling Addiction Sufferers (Jim Berg)
- A Critique of Celebrate Recovery (Mark Shaw)
- A Critique of the Sexual Gender Identity Construct (Seth Leeman)
- A Little Bit of Truth for a Little Bit of Life (Jacob Elwart)
- A Longing to Escape: How the Psalms Identify and Help the Common Urge to Escape Hardship (Rush Witt)
- An Overview of the Life and Ministries of Jay E. Adams (Donn Arms)
- Applying Scripture for Cross-Cultural Counseling (Lilly Park)
- Are Anti-Depressants Good for Anything? (George Sanders)
- Are Psychologically Derived Terminologies and Therapies for Those on the Autism Spectrum a Trojan Horse You Should Open? (Johanna Pressley)
- Are You Now Being Perfected By The Flesh (Terry Enns)
- Assessing the Duluth Model (Emily Stahly)
- Being a Biblical Counselor Who Accurately Interprets and Applies Scripture (Ken Schultz)
- Biblical Authority is Key to Counseling Transgenderism (Greg Gifford)
- Biblical Counseling and Spiritual Warfare (Lance Quinn)
- Biblical Counseling and the Body (Ernie Baker)
- Biblical Counseling and the DSM (Mark Hager)
- Biblical Counselors Guide to Counseling Theories (Howard Eyrich)
- Biblically informed Trauma Counseling (John Babler)
- Bitterness Toward God (John Street)
- Building a Team of Lay Counselors (Greg Gifford)
- But I Have a Chemical Imbalance (Martha Peace)
- Cain: A Biblical Analysis of an Angry Man (Mark Mann)
- Care for Parkinson's, Dementia, and Other Neurological Disorders (Matt Mumma)
- Christian or Secular College: Making a Biblically Wise Choice (Todd Sorrell)
- Church Discipline and Counseling (Bill Slattery)
- Clearly Sufficient: The Inseparability of Scriptures Perspicuity and Sufficiency for Counseling (Omri Miles)
- Common Grace and the Sufficiency of Scripture (Abner Chou)
- Confession of Sin in the Counseling Office (Joel Wood)
- Confronting the Broadness of Biblical Counseling: Noutheteo Throughtout the Scripture (Joel Wood)
- Counsel the Word: The Process from the Text to the Conselee (Kevin Carson)
- Counseling Abortion-Minded Women (Camille Cates)
- Counseling and Pedophilia (Ben Marshall)
- Counseling and the Christian Conscience (Samuel Stephens)
- Counseling As A Team (Jim & Caroline Newheiser)
- Counseling Children Who Fear (Kelli Dionne)
- Counseling Couples After Pregnancy Loss (Robert Jones)
- Counseling Couples Facing Infertility (Robert Jones)
- Counseling Families with a Child on the Autism Spectrum (Daniel Berger II)
- Counseling from James 4 (Lance Quinn)
- Counseling from Proverbs with Accuracy and Power (John St. Pierre)
- Counseling in Cities: Principles, Case Studies, and a Call for Further Development (Scott Mehl)
- Counseling Individuals Who Live Daily With a Chronic Illness (Vanessa Ellen)
- Counseling Lonely People (Lou Priolo)
- Counseling Obedience and Trust Even When Circumstances are Difficult (Todd Sorrell)
- Counseling the Bizarre (Lisa Anderson)
- Counseling the Post-Abortive Woman (Julie Ganschow)
- Counseling the Soul Who Refuses to be Comforted (Glenn Dunn)
- Counseling Those Different Than You (Joel Wood)
- Counseling Those Who Gossip (Jim Koerber)
- Creating a Disability-Friendly Culture in Your Church (Paul Tautges)
- Discovering the Origin of All Man's Problems (Mark Mann)
- Dispelling the Darkness of Abortion with the Light of Christ (Camille Cates)
- Doctrine of Adoptiong and Its Implications for Adoptive Families (Andrew Rogers)
- Doxological Counseling (Omri Miles)
- Emotions of a Sexual Crime Victim and God's Love (Lisa Anderson)
- Encouraging Counselees to Memorize Scripture (Susan Heck)
- End of Life/Critical Care Decisions (Vanessa Ellen)
- Essential Doctrines for Counseling (Don Roy)
- Essentials in Counseling Aging Disabilities (Howard Eyrich)
- Ethical Utilization of Technology in Caring for the Aging (Howard Eyrich)
- Ethics in Medicine and Biblical Counseling (Charles Hodges)
- Evangelize or Disciple? (Randy Patten)
- Expository Converstaions (Josh Weidmann)
- Expository Counseling (William Shannon)
- Expository Counseling (William Shannon)
- Finding and Removing the Three Hooks of Addiction (James McGowan)
- Finding God in Difficult Relationships: Psalm 55 (Keith Palmer)
- Gender and Identity Issues (Jeff Bartz)
- Gender Identity and the Revolution of the Self (Jeff Bartz)
- Getting to the Place of Forgiveness (Gabe Powell)
- Grace, Race, and the Church (Tom Sugimura)
- Growing a Counseling Ministry in the Local Church (Brad Bigney)
- Helping Counselees Grapple with Their Identity (Steve Viars)
- Helping Others Through Infertility, Miscarriage, and Adoption (Jeremy Pray)
- Helping the Adoptive Parent with Parenting for Pre-Teen and Teenage Children (Kevin Carson)
- Helping the Bullied Child (Tim Keeter)
- Helping Women Who Have Eating Disorders (Caroline Newheiser)
- Helping your Counselee to Confess but not Obsess Over Their Sin (Brad Bigney)
- Holy Sexuality: A Positive Vision for Biblical Sexual Expression (Keith Evans)
- How Christ Transforms Us in our Diseases and Disabilities (Keith Palmer)
- How Churches Can Minister to Autistic Children (Caroline Newheiser)
- How to Become a Certified Center (Samuel Stephens)
- How to Become ACBC Certified (Abby Bearden)
- How to Sleep in Distress: Psalm 4 (Brian Sayers)
- Human Dignity and End of Life Issues (Adam Tyson)
- Identifying Abuse (Jeremy Pierre)
- Identifying and Responding to Sinful Pastoral Leadership (Josh Zeichik)
- Insecurity and Self-Hate: A Biblical Way Out of a Harsh Cycle (Jeremy Pierre)
- Is the Birth Control Pill Abortive? (Sean Perron)
- Jesus as the Model Counselor in the Gospel of John (Sean Perron)
- Key to Reviving a Broken or Stagant Marriage (Brad Bigney)
- Lawyers and Pastors Tackling Legal Issues Together PANEL (Deborah Dewart)
- Looking Up! Counsel for Troubled Souls (Shelbi Cullen)
- Medicine, Common Grace, and Sufficiency (Charles Hodges)
- Mind vs. Brain: Cultural Confusion, A Mental Health Epidemic and What the Bible Says (Greg Gifford)
- Minister the Word Rather Than Dispense It (Randy Patten)
- My Wife Had an Abortion Before We Were Married...How to I Help Her? (John Lehman)
- Navigating the Changing Culture and How to Protect Your Counseling Ministry (Alliance Defending Freedom - ADF)
- O My Soul: The Necessity of Talking to Ourselves (Brad Brandt)
- Of Tongues and Teachers (Tim Pasma)
- Orthodox Demons: Counseling with a Complete Orthoraxy (Joel Wood)
- Ought-ness vs. Is-ness: Is Natural Revelation and Common Grace Enough? (Jim Fain)
- Our Sufficiency in Christ (Rick Holland)
- Parental Abandonment: God's Help in Your Present and Future Fears (Peter Stazen II)
- Phantom Guilt (Glenn Dunn)
- Post-Abortion Trauma and the Local Church (Sue Liljenberg)
- Postpartum and the Christian (Shelbi Cullen)
- Psalm 32: On Confession and Repentance (Jeremy Pray)
- Psalms of Lament (Bill Slattery)
- Psychadelics: The New Frontier in Counseling (Timothy Pasma)
- Refocusing Those Labeled with PTSD (Jim Fain)
- Relationship Between Sufficiency and Authority of Scripture (Matt Mumma)
- Repentance: Seeking God's Glory Through Self-Confrontation (Jacob Elwart)
- Resisting Temptation: Psalm 63 (Keith Evans)
- Resources for Rightly Handling the Word of Truth (Jim Koerber)
- Responding Biblically to BLM and White Nationalists (Nicolas Ellen)
- Resting Our Hearts in God Alone: Applying Psalm 62 to People Facing Affliction (Robert Jones)
- Scrupulosity Religious OCD (Brent Osterberg)
- Self Esteem vs. Union with Christ: Finding Sufficiency Through Humility (Tim Bryant)
- Show No Partiality: An Exegesis of James 2:1-13 (Cheryl Bell)
- Simple Exegesis: How to Meditate on Scripture with Word Studies (Cheryl Bell)
- Soul Care in Missionary Care in the Local Church (Eric Abisror)
- Sufficient Sanctification: Counseling Serious Problems Only from Scripture (John Street)
- Take a Letter: Using the Epistles Biblically in Biblical Counseling (Terry Enns)
- Teaching Counselees to Pray Biblically (Bryan Gaines)
- The Abuse Pendulum: Navigating Current Controversies About Abuse (Jim Newheiser)
- The Bible is Sufficient Even For Financial Problems (George Thomas and Tom Wells)
- The Blessings and challenges of Step-Parent Adoption (Julie Ganschow)
- The Crisis of Prayerlessness: Teaching Counselees How To Pray About Their Problems (Shannon McCoy)
- The Decay of Human Dignity (Denny Burk)
- The Dignity of People with Disability (Joni Eareckson Tada)
- The End - How to Counsel the Dying (Tim Pasma)
- The Folly of Fig Leaves (Dale Johnson)
- The Gospel Divides Families (Jim Newheiser)
- The Importance of Understanding a Life-Story (Scott O'Malley)
- The Insufficiency of Psychological Sanctification (Ernie Baker)
- The Nature of Man and Sufficiency of Scripture (Gabe Powell)
- The Old Testament as Literature (Tom Sugimura)
- The Place of Common Grace Wisdom in Counseling Technique (Jim Newheiser)
- The Power and Practice of Patience and Prayer (Nic Ellen)
- The Rapidly Changing Landscape of Religious Liberty (Deborah Dewart)
- The Sufficiency of God's Word (H.B. Charles)
- The Sufficiency of Scripture and the Threat of Common Grace (Heath Lambert)
- The Three Kinds of Anxiety: Ungodly Fear, Godly Concern and Habitual Anxiety (Scott Mehl)
- The Values and Qualities of Good Homework (Johsua Greiner)
- Training Counselees to Study Scripture (Lucas Pace)
- Transitioning a Church to Biblical Counseling (Bret Capranica)
- Treating Others with Dignity in a World of Partiality (Virgil Walker)
- Trusting God in Adversity (Brad Brandt)
- Understand Attachment Disorder in Adoptive Children (Tim Nixon)
- Understanding The Four Categories of Fear (Nicolas Ellen)
- Using Biblical Narratives in Counseling (John Babler)
- Using the Parable of the Good Samaritan to Fight Racism (Jim Newheiser)
- Viewing Trust Based Relational Intervention Through a Biblical Lens (Javan Payne)
- What Do Biblical Counselors Really Need to Know About Psychotropic Medications? (Martha Peace)
- What is Trauma Informed Counseling? (Ernie Baker)
- What Makes Biblical Counseling Unique (Randy Patten)
- When and How to Conclude a Counseling Case (Jeremy Pray)
- When Application Grows Out of Control (Andrew Rogers)
- When Color and Culture Divide (Sybrand de Swardt)
- When God Feels Far Away (Josh Weidmann)
- When the People You Love the Most Don't Love the Lord (Chris Minott)
- Who is Man? (Dale Johnson)
- Why We Counsel from the Bible Alone (Adam Tyson)
- Wisdom from Above: The Remedy for Relational Breakdown (Stephen Yuille)
- Show all articles ( 153 ) Collapse Articles
- A look at Abigail a Women Who Wisely Handled a Family Crisis (Caroline Newheiser)
- Abounding in Hope (Stephen Yuille)
- Biblical Answers for Bi-Polar Depression (John Street)
- Care After a Suicide (Kevin Carson)
- Certifcation Overview (Amber Komatsu)
- Christ's Affliction as the Remedy for Self-Affliction (Bryan Gaines)
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Is the Mind Central to Change (Nate Brooks)
- Counseling After Depression (Martha Peace)
- Counseling Biblical Authority - Submission (Jill Wamsley)
- Counseling Families with Aging Relatives (Jim Koerber)
- Counseling Teens who are Self-Injuring (Camille Cates)
- Counseling Women Who are Despairing and Suicidal (Martha Peace)
- Crafting Temptation and Repentance Plan to Help Addicts (Keith Palmer)
- Cultivating a Good Family Heritage (Armand and Kathy Tiffe)
- Daily Habits (Rush Witt)
- Dealing with the Aftermath of Suicide (Jim Newheiser)
- Despair, Body and Soul, A Medical Perspective (Lee Edmonds)
- Developing the Culture of Discipleship (Wayne Vanderwier)
- Discerning what a Counseling System Really Believes (Ernie Baker)
- El Amor Biblico Como La Cura Para el Comportamiento Auto Destructivo (Yonathan Morris)
- Feeling Abandoned by God Psalm 88 (Brad Bigney)
- From School Shootings to DUI Crashes - Counseling those impacted by Truma (John Babbler)
- From Scratch to a Training Center (Tony Anderson)
- Get Your Legal Ducks in a Row Structure Governance Policies (Deborah Dewart)
- Gods Sufficient Grace for Adoptive Families (Scott O'Malley)
- Going Dormant When Men Withdraw (Doug Helmer)
- Habitual Sin Counseling- How do you even start counseling someone with an addiction (Tony Anderson)
- Handling Suicidal Threats (Stuart Scott)
- Help for Eating Disorders and Distored Thinking (Kimberly Clark)
- Help! My Loved One is an Addict (Julie Ganschow)
- Helping Children Whoes Parents are Divorcing (Kevin Backus)
- Hope for Marital Intimacy with a Past of Sexual Abuse (Aliza Hawkins)
- How to begin a Counseling Ministry (Bryan Gaines)
- How to Counsel a Divided Church (Randy Patten)
- How to Handel Ive got a gun to my head Crisis in the Church (Bill Shannon)
- How to Help Psychologized Counselees (Tim Pasm)
- La Consejeria Biblica Herramienta Funamental Para Una Iglesia Saludable (Jaun Moncayo)
- Laying the Foundation for Successful Blended Families (Amy Baker)
- Lessons from the Dark Valley of Depression (Mary Somerville)
- Parenting and the Bullied Child (Tim Keeter)
- Practical Help for Family from Proverbs (Brad Bradt)
- Putting off Life Dominating Sins (Susan Heck)
- Responding Biblically to Addictions (Lisa Schmidt)
- Rethinking Therapeutic Categories (Sam Stephens)
- Self-Injurious Behavior (Mark Shaw)
- Technology- A Raging or Tamed Beast (John Lehman)
- The Crisis of Child Sexual Abuse - Gods Power to Work all things for Good (Cheryl Bell)
- The Dangers of Psychology (Dale Johnson)
- Thinking Biblically about Personality Tests (Scott Mehl)
- Training our Church to Counsel Face to Face (Andrew Rogers)
- Understanding and Dealing with Suicide (Nicolas Ellen)
- Using Metaphor in Counseling (Sean Perron)
- Value of Scripture Memory in Combating Destructive Behaviors (Phil Moser)
- What the Bible Says about Co-Dependency in Destructive Behaviors (Cheryl Bell)
- What-about-the-Unconscious (Craig-Rowe)
- When All Hope Seems Lost (Dale Johnson)
- Show all articles ( 41 ) Collapse Articles
- A Culture of Care (Dale Johnson)
- A Transformed Heart (Psalm 16) (Brent Aucoin)
- Anthropology: A Biblical View of the Person (Tim Pasma)
- Anxiety, Medicine, and the Psalms (Charles Hodges)
- Are We There Yet -Knowing When to Graduate Your Counselee (Brad Bigney)
- Caring for Souls in the Public Proclamation of the Word (Kevin Deyoung)
- Christ as our Head (Dan Kirk)
- Church discipline as an Act of True Soul Care (Michael Kruger)
- Common Challenges for Singleness (Lilly Park)
- Counseling a Woman to be Content in Her Role (Martha Peace)
- Counseling and Union with Christ (Nate Brooks)
- Counseling Brokenhearted Children (Sean Perron)
- Counseling from Biblical Narratives (Keith Palmer)
- Counseling from Prophecy (Thomas Sugimura)
- Counseling from Psalm 33 (Hannah Carter)
- Danger Signs of an Unhealthy Dating Relationship (Lou Priolo)
- Enneagram Theology, Is It Christian - Pre-Rec (Rheen Cherry)
- Exhorting the Passive Husband in Marriage (Greg Gifford)
- General Revelation: A Misunderstood and Misused Doctrine (Sam Stephens)
- God's Purposes in Grief and Sorrowful (Jim Koerber)
- Godlike Listening: Improving Our Listening Skills in Counseling (Robert Jones)
- Grace Relations Counseling Using Psalms of Lament (Aurelia Smith)
- Helping Those Labeled with Major Depressive Disorder to Discover Hope in Christ (Daniel Berger II)
- How and When to Rebuild Trust in a Broken Relationship (Joseph Propri)
- How Not to Counsel: Learning from Job’s Friends (Brad Brandt )
- How to Answer a Fool (Nathan Currey)
- How to Assign Effective Homework Skillfully (Don Arms)
- How to Become ACBC Certified (Emily Stahly)
- How to Become an ACBC Certified Training Center (Sam Stephens)
- How to Counsel Individuals Who May Die from Chronic Illness (Venessa Ellen)
- How to Help Elders/Pastors Think Through Medication Biblically (Dan Dionne)
- I’m a Child of God, so Why Am I Still Struggling? (John Lehman)
- Imaging God in My Marriage (Cheryl Bell)
- Is Something Missing? (Dale Christian)
- Lessons on Suffering from 1 Peter (Mike Massey)
- Living the Spirit-Empowered Life (Tony Anderson)
- Motivated by our Future Hope: The Doctrine of Glorification (Caroline Newheiser)
- Overview of Biblical Counseling (Henry Beaulieu)
- Practical Service - The missing piece of biblical counseling (Scott Mehl)
- Psalms 42-43: A Model for Lament and Dealing with Depression (Ernie Baker)
- Soul Crushing: The Grief of Miscarriage and Infertility (Amy Baker)
- Soul-Care by Discipleship (Stuart Scott)
- The Biblical Counselor and the Doctrine of Illumination (Lance Quinn)
- The Church - Building Disciples who Care for their Community (Steve Viars)
- The Critical Role of Repentance in Biblical Change (Julie Ganschow)
- The Effects of Sin on Your Counselee’s Thoughts (Ken Schultz)
- The Proverbs 31 Woman: Is She Relevant for Today? (Lisa Schmidt)
- The Six Categories of Sorrow (Nicolas Ellen)
- The Sovereignty of God as Seen in Psalm 145 (Susan Heck)
- Top Mistakes Even Seasoned Counselors Make (Randy Patten)
- Training Counselees to Meditate Using Psalm 119 (Howard Eyrich)
- Understanding Guilt from a Biblical Viewpoint (John Street)
- Update on Religious Liberty and Biblical Counseling (Deborah Dewart)
- Walking with a Family Through the Death of a Child (Kevin Carson)
- Wise Speech from Proverbs (Jim Newheiser)
- Your Counsel is Only as Good as it is Biblical (Andrew Rogers)
- Show all articles ( 41 ) Collapse Articles
- A Testimony Of Abuse (Pam Gannon)
- Abuse and the Abuser (Dale Johnson)
- Applying The Gospel To Christians With A Tender Conscience (Bob Kellemen)
- Basic Marriage Counseling Where To Start What To Do How To End (Brad Bigney
- Biblical Critique Of The Gottman Method Of Relationship Therapy (Jim And Caroline Newheiser)
- Biblical Friendship And Authentic Accountability (Kevin Carson)
- Biblical View On Finances (Dan Dodds)
- Certifcation Overview (Amber Komatsu)
- Charitable Judgements In Unreconciled Conflicts (Jill Wamsley)
- Child And Family Abuse (Greg Gifford)
- Collateral Damage Caring For The Family Of An Abuse Victim (Jeremy Pierre)
- Counseling Abandoned Women Teaching Them To Live By Faith (Julie Ganschow)
- Counseling An Addicts Enabler (Mark Shaw)
- Counseling The Fearful Wife (Pam Gannon)
- Counseling Those Who Are Parenting Their Parents (Howard Eyrch)
- Counseling Tips (Martha Peace)
- Counseling Women In Abusive Relationships (Martha Peace)
- Data Gathering The Unspoken Failure Of Tons Of Counselors (John Street)
- Discipleship Liturgy And Biblical Counseling In The Church (David Champayne)
- Domestic Abuse (Chris Moles)
- Emotional Abuse (Tim Pasma)
- Engaging Reluctant Counselees (Rush Witt)
- Guarding Against Gossip (Caroline Newheiser)
- Handling Child Abuse Reports And Other Legal Issues (Steve Viars)
- Help And Hope For The Single Women Longing For Marriage (Kristen Clark/Bethany Baird)
- Helpful Diagrams As Tools For Marriage Counseling (Kevin Carson)
- Helping Churches To Handle Cases Of Abuse (Jim Newheiser)
- Helping Parents Of Special Needs Children (Steve Viars)
- Helping Supicious People (Lou Priolo)
- Helping Women Who Experienced Domestic Violence (Sherry Allchin)
- Helping Women With Child Sexual Abuse In Their Past (Zondra Scott)
- Hermenutics How To Read The Bible (Andrew Rogers)
- Homework That Renews The Mind And Effects Biblical Change (Andrew Rogers)
- Homework To Build Momentum (Lisa Anderson)
- How To Conduct An Addiction Intervention (Mark Shaw)
- Important And Controversial Issues In Pre-Marriage Counseling (Sean Perron)
- Joy In Sorrow Help For Familes As They Say Goodbye To A Loved One (Brad Brandt)
- Legal Issues And Abuse Risks And Reponsibilties (Deborah Dewart)
- Love Covers What And When (Stuart Scott)
- Love Is Choice And An Action And An Affection (Scott Mehl)
- Loving The Manipulative Person (Rebecca Hannah)
- Marriage What Does A Sprit Filled Marriage Look Like (Susan Heck)
- Ministering To Men And Women Suffering From Dementia (Wayne And Sandra Nieman)
- Perseverance For The Believer When There Is Resistance To Reconcile (Tim Keeter)
- Physical Intimacy Gods Gift To Us Our Gift To Each Other (John Lehman)
- Planning Your Counseling Agenda (Ernie Baker)
- Rebuilding A Marriage After Betrayal (Robert Jones)
- Resolving Chronic Conflict In Marriage Counseling (Garrett Higbee)
- Resolving Conflict Blessed Are The Peacemakers (Bill Shannon)
- Responding Biblically To Temptation (Lisa Schmidt)
- Six Keys To Preserving And Strengthening Your Marriage (Jim Newheiser)
- Sword Words (Keith Palmer)
- The Biblical Role Of A Husband (Tony Anderson)
- The Fear Of The Lord Is The Beginning Of Counseling (George Scipione)
- The Husband's Role In The Marriage Relationship (Armand Tiffe)
- The Soul Of A Child An Introduction To Counseling Children (Amy Baker)
- Treasuring God (Pam Gannon)
- What Are Our Responsibilities To Those We Counsel (Susan Heck)
- What Every Victim Of Abuse Needs To Know (Heath Lambert)
- Who Is The Counselors Counselor (Ronald Allchin)
- Show all articles ( 45 ) Collapse Articles
- A C.A.R.E. Model for Counseling Addiction Sufferers (Jim Berg)
- Biblical Authority is Key to Counseling Transgenderism (Greg Gifford)
- Biblical Counseling and the Body (Ernie Baker)
- Biblical Counseling and the DSM (Mark Hager)
- Biblically informed Trauma Counseling (John Babler)
- Bitterness Toward God (John Street)
- Building a Team of Lay Counselors (Greg Gifford)
- Cain: A Biblical Analysis of an Angry Man (Mark Mann)
- Care for Parkinson's, Dementia, and Other Neurological Disorders (Matt Mumma)
- Church Discipline and Counseling (Bill Slattery)
- Counseling Abortion-Minded Women (Camille Cates)
- Counseling and Pedophilia (Ben Marshall)
- Counseling and the Christian Conscience (Samuel Stephens)
- Counseling As A Team (Jim & Caroline Newheiser)
- Counseling Couples After Pregnancy Loss (Robert Jones)
- Counseling Couples Facing Infertility (Robert Jones)
- Counseling Families with a Child on the Autism Spectrum (Daniel Berger II)
- Counseling from James 4 (Lance Quinn)
- Counseling in Cities: Principles, Case Studies, and a Call for Further Development (Scott Mehl)
- Counseling Individuals Who Live Daily With a Chronic Illness (Vanessa Ellen)
- Counseling Obedience and Trust Even When Circumstances are Difficult (Todd Sorrell)
- Counseling the Bizarre (Lisa Anderson)
- Counseling the Post-Abortive Woman (Julie Ganschow)
- Counseling Those Different Than You (Joel Wood)
- Counseling Those Who Gossip (Jim Koerber)
- Creating a Disability-Friendly Culture in Your Church (Paul Tautges)
- Dispelling the Darkness of Abortion with the Light of Christ (Camille Cates)
- Doctrine of Adoptiong and Its Implications for Adoptive Families (Andrew Rogers)
- Doxological Counseling (Omri Miles)
- Encouraging Counselees to Memorize Scripture (Susan Heck)
- End of Life/Critical Care Decisions (Vanessa Ellen)
- Essential Doctrines for Counseling (Don Roy)
- Essentials in Counseling Aging Disabilities (Howard Eyrich)
- Ethical Utilization of Technology in Caring for the Aging (Howard Eyrich)
- Ethics in Medicine and Biblical Counseling (Charles Hodges)
- Evangelize or Disciple? (Randy Patten)
- Expository Counseling (William Shannon)
- Expository Counseling (William Shannon)
- Finding and Removing the Three Hooks of Addiction (James McGowan)
- Gender and Identity Issues (Jeff Bartz)
- Gender Identity and the Revolution of the Self (Jeff Bartz)
- Getting to the Place of Forgiveness (Gabe Powell)
- Grace, Race, and the Church (Tom Sugimura)
- Growing a Counseling Ministry in the Local Church (Brad Bigney)
- Helping Counselees Grapple with Their Identity (Steve Viars)
- Helping Others Through Infertility, Miscarriage, and Adoption (Jeremy Pray)
- Helping the Adoptive Parent with Parenting for Pre-Teen and Teenage Children (Kevin Carson)
- Helping the Bullied Child (Tim Keeter)
- Holy Sexuality: A Positive Vision for Biblical Sexual Expression (Keith Evans)
- How Christ Transforms Us in our Diseases and Disabilities (Keith Palmer)
- How Churches Can Minister to Autistic Children (Caroline Newheiser)
- How to Become ACBC Certified (Abby Bearden)
- Human Dignity and End of Life Issues (Adam Tyson)
- Identifying Abuse (Jeremy Pierre)
- Insecurity and Self-Hate: A Biblical Way Out of a Harsh Cycle (Jeremy Pierre)
- Is the Birth Control Pill Abortive? (Sean Perron)
- Key to Reviving a Broken or Stagant Marriage (Brad Bigney)
- Minister the Word Rather Than Dispense It (Randy Patten)
- My Wife Had an Abortion Before We Were Married...How to I Help Her? (John Lehman)
- Navigating the Changing Culture and How to Protect Your Counseling Ministry (Alliance Defending Freedom - ADF)
- Of Tongues and Teachers (Tim Pasma)
- Orthodox Demons: Counseling with a Complete Orthoraxy (Joel Wood)
- Parental Abandonment: God's Help in Your Present and Future Fears (Peter Stazen II)
- Phantom Guilt (Glenn Dunn)
- Post-Abortion Trauma and the Local Church (Sue Liljenberg)
- Postpartum and the Christian (Shelbi Cullen)
- Refocusing Those Labeled with PTSD (Jim Fain)
- Repentance: Seeking God's Glory Through Self-Confrontation (Jacob Elwart)
- Resources for Rightly Handling the Word of Truth (Jim Koerber)
- Responding Biblically to BLM and White Nationalists (Nicolas Ellen)
- Show No Partiality: An Exegesis of James 2:1-13 (Cheryl Bell)
- Teaching Counselees to Pray Biblically (Bryan Gaines)
- The Blessings and challenges of Step-Parent Adoption (Julie Ganschow)
- The Decay of Human Dignity (Denny Burk)
- The Dignity of People with Disability (Joni Eareckson Tada)
- The End - How to Counsel the Dying (Tim Pasma)
- The Gospel Divides Families (Jim Newheiser)
- The Importance of Understanding a Life-Story (Scott O'Malley)
- The Power and Practice of Patience and Prayer (Nic Ellen)
- The Rapidly Changing Landscape of Religious Liberty (Deborah Dewart)
- Treating Others with Dignity in a World of Partiality (Virgil Walker)
- Trusting God in Adversity (Brad Brandt)
- Understand Attachment Disorder in Adoptive Children (Tim Nixon)
- Using the Parable of the Good Samaritan to Fight Racism (Jim Newheiser)
- What Do Biblical Counselors Really Need to Know About Psychotropic Medications? (Martha Peace)
- When and How to Conclude a Counseling Case (Jeremy Pray)
- When Color and Culture Divide (Sybrand de Swardt)
- When God Feels Far Away (Josh Weidmann)
- When the People You Love the Most Don't Love the Lord (Chris Minott)
- Who is Man? (Dale Johnson)
- Wisdom from Above: The Remedy for Relational Breakdown (Stephen Yuille)
- Show all articles ( 76 ) Collapse Articles
- A Biblical Critique of EMDR Therapy (Rhenn Cherry)
- A Biblical Evaluation of Emotionally Focused Therapy (Marshall Adkins)
- A Biblical Response to Emotion Coaching (Aaron Brewster)
- A Critique of Celebrate Recovery (Mark Shaw)
- A Critique of the Sexual Gender Identity Construct (Seth Leeman)
- A Little Bit of Truth for a Little Bit of Life (Jacob Elwart)
- A Longing to Escape: How the Psalms Identify and Help the Common Urge to Escape Hardship (Rush Witt)
- An Overview of the Life and Ministries of Jay E. Adams (Donn Arms)
- Applying Scripture for Cross-Cultural Counseling (Lilly Park)
- Are Anti-Depressants Good for Anything? (George Sanders)
- Are Psychologically Derived Terminologies and Therapies for Those on the Autism Spectrum a Trojan Horse You Should Open? (Johanna Pressley)
- Are You Now Being Perfected By The Flesh (Terry Enns)
- Assessing the Duluth Model (Emily Stahly)
- Being a Biblical Counselor Who Accurately Interprets and Applies Scripture (Ken Schultz)
- Biblical Counseling and Spiritual Warfare (Lance Quinn)
- Biblical Counselors Guide to Counseling Theories (Howard Eyrich)
- But I Have a Chemical Imbalance (Martha Peace)
- Christian or Secular College: Making a Biblically Wise Choice (Todd Sorrell)
- Clearly Sufficient: The Inseparability of Scriptures Perspicuity and Sufficiency for Counseling (Omri Miles)
- Common Grace and the Sufficiency of Scripture (Abner Chou)
- Confession of Sin in the Counseling Office (Joel Wood)
- Confronting the Broadness of Biblical Counseling: Noutheteo Throughtout the Scripture (Joel Wood)
- Counsel the Word: The Process from the Text to the Conselee (Kevin Carson)
- Counseling Children Who Fear (Kelli Dionne)
- Counseling from Proverbs with Accuracy and Power (John St. Pierre)
- Counseling Lonely People (Lou Priolo)
- Counseling the Soul Who Refuses to be Comforted (Glenn Dunn)
- Discovering the Origin of All Man's Problems (Mark Mann)
- Emotions of a Sexual Crime Victim and God's Love (Lisa Anderson)
- Expository Converstaions (Josh Weidmann)
- Finding God in Difficult Relationships: Psalm 55 (Keith Palmer)
- Helping Women Who Have Eating Disorders (Caroline Newheiser)
- Helping your Counselee to Confess but not Obsess Over Their Sin (Brad Bigney)
- How to Become a Certified Center (Samuel Stephens)
- How to Sleep in Distress: Psalm 4 (Brian Sayers)
- Identifying and Responding to Sinful Pastoral Leadership (Josh Zeichik)
- Jesus as the Model Counselor in the Gospel of John (Sean Perron)
- Lawyers and Pastors Tackling Legal Issues Together PANEL (Deborah Dewart)
- Looking Up! Counsel for Troubled Souls (Shelbi Cullen)
- Medicine, Common Grace, and Sufficiency (Charles Hodges)
- Mind vs. Brain: Cultural Confusion, A Mental Health Epidemic and What the Bible Says (Greg Gifford)
- O My Soul: The Necessity of Talking to Ourselves (Brad Brandt)
- Ought-ness vs. Is-ness: Is Natural Revelation and Common Grace Enough? (Jim Fain)
- Our Sufficiency in Christ (Rick Holland)
- Psalm 32: On Confession and Repentance (Jeremy Pray)
- Psalms of Lament (Bill Slattery)
- Psychadelics: The New Frontier in Counseling (Timothy Pasma)
- Relationship Between Sufficiency and Authority of Scripture (Matt Mumma)
- Resisting Temptation: Psalm 63 (Keith Evans)
- Resting Our Hearts in God Alone: Applying Psalm 62 to People Facing Affliction (Robert Jones)
- Scrupulosity Religious OCD (Brent Osterberg)
- Self Esteem vs. Union with Christ: Finding Sufficiency Through Humility (Tim Bryant)
- Simple Exegesis: How to Meditate on Scripture with Word Studies (Cheryl Bell)
- Soul Care in Missionary Care in the Local Church (Eric Abisror)
- Sufficient Sanctification: Counseling Serious Problems Only from Scripture (John Street)
- Take a Letter: Using the Epistles Biblically in Biblical Counseling (Terry Enns)
- The Abuse Pendulum: Navigating Current Controversies About Abuse (Jim Newheiser)
- The Bible is Sufficient Even For Financial Problems (George Thomas and Tom Wells)
- The Crisis of Prayerlessness: Teaching Counselees How To Pray About Their Problems (Shannon McCoy)
- The Folly of Fig Leaves (Dale Johnson)
- The Insufficiency of Psychological Sanctification (Ernie Baker)
- The Nature of Man and Sufficiency of Scripture (Gabe Powell)
- The Old Testament as Literature (Tom Sugimura)
- The Place of Common Grace Wisdom in Counseling Technique (Jim Newheiser)
- The Sufficiency of God's Word (H.B. Charles)
- The Sufficiency of Scripture and the Threat of Common Grace (Heath Lambert)
- The Three Kinds of Anxiety: Ungodly Fear, Godly Concern and Habitual Anxiety (Scott Mehl)
- The Values and Qualities of Good Homework (Johsua Greiner)
- Training Counselees to Study Scripture (Lucas Pace)
- Transitioning a Church to Biblical Counseling (Bret Capranica)
- Understanding The Four Categories of Fear (Nicolas Ellen)
- Using Biblical Narratives in Counseling (John Babler)
- Viewing Trust Based Relational Intervention Through a Biblical Lens (Javan Payne)
- What is Trauma Informed Counseling? (Ernie Baker)
- What Makes Biblical Counseling Unique (Randy Patten)
- When Application Grows Out of Control (Andrew Rogers)
- Why We Counsel from the Bible Alone (Adam Tyson)
- Show all articles ( 62 ) Collapse Articles
Ongoing Training
Topical Helps
- A Thirst for Wholeness (Jay Adams)
- Anger and God's Grace: A Case Study
- Anger Cycle
- Assessing When To Terminate Successful Counseling
- Cancer Resoures
- Celibacy is wrong For Married Persons
- Co-Dependency or Idolatry (Sid Galloway)
- Communication Guidelines
- Confession - Psychiatry
- Conflict - Phil. 4 (Ken Sande)
- Counseling People with Panic Attacks (Bob Simth)
- Counseling your Child or Teenager (Robert Jones)
- Counseling: Normal vs. Biblical (David Powlison)
- Crucifying sin
- Don't Apologize (Jay Adams)
- Drugs on the Brain
- Exalting Pain, ignoring pain, what do we do with Suffering
- Faith in Future Grace vs. Despondency
- Getting to the Heart of Anger Pt 1-3 (David Powlison)
- Grieving God's Spirit in Your Relationships (Robert Jones)
- Guilt Toward Wives
- How to be Free from Bitterness (Jim Wilson)
- How to End the Eruptions (Jeffery S. Forrey)
- How to Handle Anger Sinfully
- How to Make Your Bible Study/Devotional Meaningful (Steve Lopez)
- Insights from God's Word
- No Wonder Your Devotions Aren't Working (Bill Goode)
- Panic, Genes and Drugs (Daniel J. Wickert)
- Putting an End to Christian Psychology (Larry Crabb)
- Queries and Controversies
- Resources for the Wife's Protection
- Shepherding101
- South Texas Presbytery Sessional Record Review Check List
- Speech Used by Christians
- Stress
- Stress: A Christian Approach
- Talk Preach to yourself
- Taming the Tonge
- The Use of 1 Corinthians 10:13 in Counseling
- The Use of Drugs in Counseling (Bob Smith)
- The way of a man with a maid
- The way of the wise: teaching teenagers about sex
- Trusting God, In Spite of your Feeling
- understanding your poor self image
- Using Anger's Energy to Solve Problems (Bill Goode)
- Verse Chart
- What Makes Biblical Counseling? (Biblical Counseling Center)
- what the Bible Says About Wrong Words, Good words, Improving your speech
- You're Divorced. Now What?
- Show all articles ( 34 ) Collapse Articles
- Anger - Sample Homework Assignment Forms (Robert Jones)
- Anger Journal (Robert Jones and Lou Priolo)
- Anger: Sample Homework Assignments (Robert Jones)
- Attacking Anxiety #3
- Attacking Anxiety #4
- Attacking Anxiety #5
- Biblical Dynamics for Godly Change Pt 1-6 (Robert
- Conflict - Understanding Cause, James 3 (Robert Jones)
- Dealing with Anger in Yourself and Others
- Depression Fill in the Blank
- Depression Homework
- Depression Journal
- Devotions: How to Have a Quiet Time (Timothy Keller)
- Discipling(David Knisely)
- Fighting Against Fear and Anxiety
- Help for Overcoming Sinful Anger
- John 14 and the Problem with Anxiety (Robert Jones)
- Show all articles ( 2 ) Collapse Articles
- A Clear Conscience
- Anger and Bitterness
- Character Development
- Clarifying Responsibility Romans 12
- Communication - Four Rules
- Counseling - 1 Corinthians 10:13
- Depression and Toppled Idols
- Depression Charts
- Do Not Provoke Your Children to Anger (Lou Priolo)
- God's Way to Fight Fear and Anxiety (Robert Jones)
- Overcoming Anger and Bitterness
- Surety - Co-Signing Loans
- The Extremes in Dealing with Chemical Abuse (John Street)
- The Heart of Change; An Exposition of James 4:1-10
- Understanding Depression
- What is Biblical Counseling? (George C. Scipione)
- What is the Christian Life?
- Show all articles ( 2 ) Collapse Articles
What is the Christian Life?
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byGabe Powell
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